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Bedford Estates Multi Species Eradication Land saved from spread of huge areas of Japanese knotweed, Giant Japanese knotweed & Giant hogweed.

3 year programme
Herbicidal management

Located on the cusp of pastureland on the bank of the Broughton Brook beneath a canopy of mature specimen protected trees, the majority of an area of land was affected by Giant Hogweed which our client had found was starting to spread. Through wind-blown seed the spread was heading off site through into public areas and adjacent farmland. As a result, the owners needed to take action to limit this spread and the spread of the other invasive species to mitigate any potential associated liability. Bedford Estates commissioned the management of an extensive stand of invasive weeds on the site on Mill Lane.

A sensitive, but nevertheless diligent approach to management was therefore required which accommodated the specific treatment needs for each species identified taking into consideration the sensitive nature of the setting.

* 350 m2 Japanese Knotweed 

* 950 m2 Giant Japanese Knotweed 

* 4500 m2 Giant Hogweed

The national herbicidal management team designed and implemented a complimentary controlled clearance followed by a herbicidal regime, licensed by the Environment Agency, which involved spot treating Giant Hogweed infant growth early in the growing season, rather than extensive blanket sprays, upon emergence, so that herbicides did not impact the growth of Japanese Knotweed observed later in the spring which requires unimpeded maturity for successful herbicidal treatment. 

The team’s attention to detail and understanding of the various species biological requirements have led to an overall reduction in volume of herbicide application required through treating infant hogweed plants and limiting the risk of operative or public exposure. 

The reduction in herbicidal usage we achieved allows swifter recolonisation on the riverbank of native flora so the period where the area is void of vegetation is cut to an absolute minimum reducing the potential for exposed bank erosion and displacement of native fauna. 

Upon completion of the three year treatments the area will be placed into a five year monitoring scheme to ensure complete depletion of the Giant Hogweed seed bank and compliance with the I insurance Backed Warranty issued for the site. 


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