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Weir removal and habitat creation to transform inner city community space Meriden Park Lakes

16 Weeks
Desilting and Weir removal

Meriden Park lake is the result of a weir installation beneath a bridge stretching across the pre-existing Kingshurst Brook. In recent years, there have been significant problems with the build-up of silt, resulting in poor water quality and stagnation, leading to poor biodiversity and amenity.

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council appointed Ebsford Environmental to remove the weir and restore this stretch of Kinghurst brook back to its original shape. The remainder of the lake footprint was to be turned into a new wetland offering a varying range of habitats.

The first part of the works consisted of diverting the watercourse using a porta dam upstream to divert the flow through a bypass channel, creating a dry bed for works to commence.

A 6inch pump was then set up to pump out any leftover pooling and once a safe access route had been established, excavators created channels to keep the water level down.

Ebsford began work to remove the weir that initially formed the lake, restoring the flow back to that of the original brook. Sediment protection mats were in place downstream to protect the watercourse from debris stirred up as a result of the works.

Using an amphibious excavator upstream and working down to meet the bridge abutments, sheet piling was driven into the bed to define the new channel, segregating the wet and dry areas. Timber posts with straining wire were added to give extra support. As the watercourse was dredged and de-silted the removed silt was placed behind the piling to create a new bankside revetment

The sheet piling remains in place for a period of 12 months for the sediment to dry and the native new vegetation establish, providing much needed bank stabilisation., whereupon removal a new edge will have formed.

Following the major work of silt relocation and final spreading of topsoil, coir matting was laid along the bankside and subsequently planted.

Reeds, trees and other shrubs were planted around the watercourse, further benefitting the environment and creating a new habitat whereby wildlife can flourish.

The lake is situated in a well-used community park with lots of foot traffic and residents taking a keen interest in the site set up. Our team were able to minimise restrictions to access across the brook and build relationships with the regular visitors. Alongside the core works, Ebsford were happy to get involved with the councils community day and educate the public on the work being done and the benefits, with hopes that the future generations would see the advantages of taking care of the feature.

As a result of the transformation, the watercourse immediately operated more effectively, the water is much cleaner, and local wildlife are already benefitting from the variety of new habitats.


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